Free in a farm (part 2)

Assalamualykum everyone! Since we've not posted about our chickens for a very long time, in this post we'll be sharing with you some news about them. We'll be sharing you our trip to the farm which we went 2 weeks ago, If you have viewed this post you'll notice that we sent our chicken to a farm. Alhamdulillah, we have gone to the farm many, many times but this time was a bit more fun and we decided to share with you the news about our chickens and how they are! So.. let's begin the journey! We thought that our chickens would miss us tremendously when they were at the farm, however, things didn't go as we thought! Snowy,Custurd,and Chick - Chick didn't come when we called them, they were all so happy that they didn't even notice us when we offered them food! Snowy, our best hen from the three was not friendly at all! She wouldn't come near us when we offered her food, she didn't allow us to carry her as she screamed and shouted aw...