
Showing posts from November 1, 2019

Welcome to chicken land!

Assalamualykum! It's Khadijah here and in this post, I'll be showing you an advert I made by myself. It was from my English book, and they had told to make the advert persuasive and catchy to the reader.  Here's how it looks.                                                       This is the front, I colored it with markers.                                                                                                   This is the opening of the card, here I drew a part of Chicken land.                         ...

A dainty dove.....

Assalamualykum everyone! Yesterday we had a dainty visitor... A laughing dove! They always roam around our garden eating stuff but this time it was a little different! This poor dove had got stuck in our hall and she was struggling to get out, she thought there was a way of getting out but unfortunately, she kept splashing on our glass windows thinking it's outside! So........ Khadijah gently caught her! The dove was calm and felt safe, her heartbeat was beating soo fast!  Poor dove :( and then we let her out!! Wassalam! 🎔🎔🎔

Fact : #9

                                                                    Cats Cats are cool creatures! Cats belong to the family Felidae, which is why they're called felines. There are 37 feline species in the world, including lions, tigers, panthers, and leopards. All cats have amazing senses. They can hear and smell much than humans can, and they can see in way darker conditions. The nerve endings in a cat's whiskers are so sensitive. The whiskers are as long as their bodies are wide. Cats are divided into longhaired and shorthaired varieties, and there are lots of different breeds. Cats usually live an average of 12 to 15 years. Cats conserve energy by sleeping for an average of 13 to14 hours a day. Cats have flexible bodies and teeth adapted for hunting small animals such as mice...

Fact : #8

Carnivorous plants  Most carnivorous plants live in extreme environments where the soil isn't that great. Like most meat-eating plants, the Venus flytrap lives in swampy areas. There's plenty of light and water there, but the soil doesn't have all the nutrients that it needs - especially nitrogen. It makes up for this thin soil by gathering nutrients from insects and other small animals. There are lots of different carnivorous plant species. One of the simplest is the pitfall trap, a cup-shaped growth with liquid inside. It lures bugs in with the promise of sweet delicious nectar, but once they come in, they drown the stuff inside. The lobster pot trap is pretty basic too. lobster pots are passive, they just hang out waiting for insects to enter. Inward - pointing hairs force to the bug to keep crawling in one direction until it gets to a sort of stomach, where it is digested. The dewy pine plant is a good example of a flypaper trap. ...

Fact : #7

                                                                        Birds There are close to 10.000 different species of birds. All birds are warm-blooded vertebrate animals. Birds are endothermic, meaning their body temperature stays the same no matter what the temperature is outside. Birds bones are hollow and their vertebrae are fused together for strength.  Flying requires a good supply of oxygen, so it makes sense that birds have extremely efficient respiratory systems. A system of air sacs helps to insure that the lungs receive a constant supply of fresh air. Birds beat their wings when they take off to get thrust and lift. The color of the bird's feathers will often tell you whether it'd male or female. Females have more muted tones that provide camouflage so ...