
Showing posts from November 10, 2021

Colour poems

The shades of red...  Red .................................................................................  Red is the lipstick that girls wear.  Cherry is my adorable teddy bear.  Rose are those cheeks that are squeezed.  Ruby are those lips when mom is pleased.  Blush is her face when she isn't pardoned.  Crimson are those lovely roses in my garden.  Tart is when that skin got atopy.  Scarlett are those lovely poppies.  Maroon is that handsome shirt.  Rufous is the color of the tiny hummingbird. The things that I think Grey is associated with... Grey Grey is the little cheeky kitten.  Grey is the winter woolen mittens.  Grey is the collage school bag.  Grey is the old throw away rag.  Grey is the rain that falls down.  Grey is the face of one who loses his crown.  Grey is the mind of the one with depression.  Grey is one that has a phenomenal obsession.