Cherishing old memories...

Asalamualaykum! It's Khadijah here, Today I'm going to show you some pictures we drew, when we were younger, that hold special memories to us. We used to really enjoy drawing, thus we have tones of pictures in our memory journal ! (1) I drew this picture, it replicates two love birds that we took care of. (2) Again, I drew this one, they are two birds of paradise in a lovely garden. (3) Hanah drew this picture of a camel in a beautiful scenery. (4) I drew this picture; when I was little, I'd always be fascinated with cranes and how they look. (5) Again, another Crane picture by me, it was done by markers! (6) Hanah's picture here, it was done with markers too! (7) Hanah drew this picture, when she was small she went through a phase of loving cars! (8) Another picture b...