A summary of the discovery of the sub - atomic particles

Photo by Norbert Kowalczyk on Unsplash The first of the sub atomic particle to be discovered in the atom was the electron. Physicists had learned to control and create electrical flows, however, to discover what electricity was, it required the separation of the properties of electricity from the wire or material which was impractical because when electricity flows through the wire or other material that creates an electric charge, it is impossible to separate the two. The method that could be executed in order to separate electricity from the particular materials that hold it was by studying the flow of electricity through a vacuum or near a vacuum. In 1858 Johann Geissler's invention of the improved air pump made it possible to extract sufficient air from a glass tube creating a near-vacuum in the tube. The Crookes tube contained a glass tube with a near-vacuum and a wire that carried along an electric current at one end called a cathode and at the other end, a positively charge...