Pusheen the cat!

Assalamualykum everyone! We adore Pusheen the cat, she is such a cute and cheeky little character. So, in today's post, we are going to show you two Pusheen DIY's we made! The first craft we're going to show you is this Pusheen plushy we both made together, it took us two days to make both of them and, Alhamdulillah we are very pleased with how they turned out! Let's have a closer look at both Pusheen plushies. This is the first Pusheen plushie that we made, it is slightly lighter in color than the other. And this is the other, it has few improvements and we are very happy with both of them. We also made a little cat donut and two cute hearts. The second Pusheen craft we made is a little Pusheen book, this book was initially an old CD case which is more than 13 years old...