3 Budget- saving, innovative, custom DIYs

Photo by Jorge Franganillo on Unsplash Assalamualykum everyone! Today, we are featuring 3 DIY budget-saving and creative crafts that require minimal supplies and a jar of your own creativity, let's jump in! 1. This simple art piece doesn't cost a dime. This broken clock was saved for a creative art piece to be done, after removing the paper inside it and flipping it to the plain side - we drew a silhouette of a peacock and added gold touches to it. We collected a couple of ordinary duck feathers from our park, washed them well, and left them to dry. Afterwards, we decided to blend in a bunch of radiant, beautiful colours on the feathers using TiTi crayons and added some silver polka-dots, swirls as well as stars using a gel pen. Once, they were done - we glued the feathers to the bottom area of the peacock. We then screwed the clock together, and with that, we were done! We gifted this to our loving Ummi! 2. ...