
Showing posts from September 15, 2019

Fact : #2

                                                          Amphibians  Amphibians are vertebrate animals like frogs, salamanders, and newts. Existing amphibians are split into three groups: Anurans or frogs and toads have short bodies, strong legs, and no tails. Urodeles have long bodies, short legs, and flattened tails for swimming. Organisms in the group Apoda are called Caecilians. These are practically blind worm-like creatures that look a lot like snakes. All amphibians are cold-blooded creatures. Most amphibians split their lives between land and water in a similar way:  They're born in the water, stick to the land as adults and return to the water to breed.          Notes taken from:

Fact : #1

                                                                    Algae                                                                  Algae are not really plants.  They don't have roots, stems, or leaves like real plants do. They are plant-like organisms. Because photosynthesis produces oxygen, Algae are an important source of air we breathe. Without Algae, the world would be a much tougher place to live in. Algae are divided into a bunch of different categories. Green algae are the most common type and almost half of our oxygen comes from green Algae. Red algae have a red pigment which helps them absorb sunlight f...

A lovely announcement.

Assalamualykum everyone, We've got some interesting news to share with you all. We'll be posting inshallah some lovely facts we've learned and found them beneficial. They are directly taken from a website known as " BrainPOP ", it has plenty of knowledge but sadly it isn't free... So we thought of sharing some notes we've taken by watching the videos... We've written the notes in a special book which we call "Our Brainpop book" and Inshallah we hope to do this until the notes in our book finishes!  Here are some pictures of our books! Assalamualykum