DIY baguette bread charm

Asalamualaykum everyone! It's Khadijah here, Today I have a fun and very easy DIY to show how to make, I made it as a surprise gift for my sister! Alhammdulilah it turned out cute, and she really liked it. It is made out of card board,since I did not have clay I decided to make it out of cardboard. Now let's jump right into the DIY! The things you will need are: scissors a regular pen glue some colored pens thick cardboard First draw your baguette shape on a piece of cardboard. Next cut it out neatly, repeat the process for a few more,(I cut out three more) your doing this in order to made the charm thick. Paste all of the pieces together. After that,draw the following 👇 Draw a cute face to spice it up,you could add glitter as a final touch up! And your done! I hope you enjoyed this simple DIY and w...