Handmade crafts!

Asalamualaykum everyone! It's Hanah here! We've been doing a lot of DIYs lately and we've got quite a lot to show you all, so today we decided to combine a few of the pre-made crafts in this post. Some of these have been done recently, while others a couple of weeks ago, and a few have been done months ago! Before I begin I wanted to apologize for the bad, low quality photos. Let's get started.. 1. Here is a image that we drew, I really love the background,it was done using crayons! 2. This is a cardboard lunch box that we made, we sort of dislike it, and again like it a bit, mixed feelings! The sandwich inside took quite a lot of time to make, we filmed on how to make it just because it looks so cute, but unfortunately the footage got lost. This is the salad, it is a mixture of foam, felt and cloth. Finally, this is the last item in the lunch box, we thought it would be nice to add a drink, but the drink tuned out pretty wonky, (we especially disli...