Meet Caramel the kitten!

Assalamualykum everyone! Today we will be showing you Caramel the adorable kitten! Through the years we have rescued and taken care of many kittens and cats, Alhammdulilah, but this time we are fostering a 6 week old kitten named Caramel! Caramel is an adorable, playful and curious little kitten! We are fostering her as a help for our neighbor, she got him and didn't know how to look after him so we decided to take care of him until we leave Oman! Caramel is a male Persian cat, he is a mixture of white and brown. MashaAllah he is so adorable, he really appreciates love and kindness - he is so attached to us and we have no idea how we are going to leave him! We love him so much, he is very cute, Mashallah! When we sit down he jumps right onto our lap. Here are some funny and cute pictures of him : We will see you next time, InshaAllaah! Wassalam