Eid gifts (2)

Assalamualykum everyone! It's Khadijah here! Today I am going to show you the gifts I got from my sister for Eid! I really enjoyed receiving these gifts, they were so cute and amazing! If you are interested to see the gifts that I gifted my sister then don't forget to check out this post, and now, without further ado, let's jump right into the gifts! Here is an overlook at the gifts: So,for the first gift is this lovely picture that is for our room door,it looks so cute! The s econd one is a picture again,I love how Molang and his friends peep through the sky! These are some cardboard decorations. This is one of my best gifts, I've been looking forward for these for a very long time! Look at this! Isn't it so sweet! And again, here is another favorite, such an adorable picture! It almost looks ...