'Learn about Tardigrades!'

Assalamualykum everyone, It's Hanah here! Today I'll be sharing with you a science report that I wrote. I was told to write about invertebrates that are less familiar and interesting. I had to research information about it, and then write a clear account of my findings. I chose to write about Tardigrades and Alhammdulilah I learned so much about them through my research. Here's the report I wrote, I'm very pleased with the final results, Alhammdulilah! RESOURCES AND LINKS : https://www.livescience.com/57985-tardigrade- facts.html#:~:text=Diet,tardigrades%2C%20according%20to%20the%20BBC . https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/invertebrates/t/tardigrades- water-bears/ http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20150313-the-toughest-animals-on-earth Here are some videos about Tardigrades! (Please mute the music) S o I hope you enjoyed my report and you learned something about these interesting microorganisms! I will see you next time, InshaAllah! Wassalam