A week of rest, a week of crafts!

Assalamualykum everyone! This week all of us were not well and we couldn't do any school :( But, without wasting the week, we kept our hands very busy by making many crafts! Here are some of them : 1. Felt heart purses This was a gift from Khadijah to me, the red purse is mine and the blue is her's. She also gifted it along with a little card written: "get well soon!" I'm very happy with my purse and hope to use it very soon Inshallaah! 2. Felt Spongebob & Gift tags for scrapbooking This is my gift to Khadijah, I stiched a SpongeBob made of felt. I wouldn't call it exactly "SpongeBob" because it doesn't have any details like the REAL character, in fact, I was so excited that I gifted it to Khadijah without adding any details to him! She was so happy with the gift Alhamdulilah! I also made these gift tags for Khadijah to put it in her scrapbook, she was very happy :) 3. Wooden flower vase ...