Fact : #1
- Algae are not really plants.
- They don't have roots, stems, or leaves like real plants do.
- They are plant-like organisms.
- Because photosynthesis produces oxygen, Algae are an important source of air we breathe.
- Without Algae, the world would be a much tougher place to live in.
- Algae are divided into a bunch of different categories.
- Green algae are the most common type and almost half of our oxygen comes from green Algae.
- Red algae have a red pigment which helps them absorb sunlight from deep in the ocean.
- Red, brown, and green algae include both, single and many-celled species.
- Euglenoids, diatoms, and dinoflagellates, are all single-celled, some of these organisms are pretty weird.
- Euglenoids often have animal-like features and eyespots that are sensitive to light!
- The cell wall of diatoms is rich in silica - the main element in glass.
- Some algae actually secrete poison into the water.
- Cyanobacteria are single-celled organisms and may actually not be algae at all.
- They don't have any cell organelles.
- Scientists think that Cyanobacteria are more related to bacteria than Algae.
- You may be eating red and brown algae without even realizing it.
- Carrageenan, a substance found in red algae makes everything from pudding to toothpaste nice and smooth!
- Dinoflagellates are responsible for red tide, that's when they cover the surface of the sea and discolor it.
- Algal blooms like red tide can cover huge areas of water and devastate ecosystems.
- A bloom can block out the sunlight from other organisms and deplete oxygen levels in the water.
Notes taken from : BrainPOP.com
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