Easy recipe : Pink Pudding
Assalamualykum everyone!
Today we're here with a new recipe we invented, Pink Pudding!
This dessert is quite easy and very delicious, you will only need 6 basic ingredients!
So let's get started!
You will need :
1. 10 medium-sized eggs,
2. 500 ml of milk,
3. 400 grams of sugar
4. A drop of pink food coloring,
5. 1 tablespoon of vanilla,
6. 1/4 teaspoon of salt.
1. Beat your 10 eggs thoroughly until it's frothy.
2. Add 1 tablespoon of vanilla.
3. Add 1/4 teaspoon of salt.
4. Add 400 grams of sugar and beat it well.
5. Pour 500 ml of milk into your bowl and add a drop of pink coloring.
6. Steam it for half an hour.
And there you have done it!
A scrumptious dessert for the day!
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