Ramadhan - a month of blessings, a month of mercy


Alhammdulilah, the blessed month of Ramadhan has begun and we are very excited!

In today's post we will be sharing with you some virtues and benefits of Ramadhan, we'll be also sharing on how you can make the best out of Ramadhan and Insha' Allaah we hope it will benefit you and your family!

So without further delay, let's get started.

Ramadhan comes once in a year and we must maximize it by doing plenty of righteous good deeds.
Many of us may not be knowing the reason why we fast in the month of Ramadhan, it's very important that we understand the purpose and reason why we fast in Ramadhan.

Ramadhan is a month to attain Taqwa and increase our Emaan in order to better ourselves.
We fast to remember the poor and appreciate our blessings what Allaah has bestowed upon us. 

                                                        As Allaah ,the Almighty says :

Quranic Verses
O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may attain piety and righteousness” [Quran,2:183]
For those of you who watch movies and listen to music should avoid doing these acts, so that we may better ourselves. Movies and Music and other acts of disobedience to Allaah distances us from Him.
Time is the most valuable gift we all have to do good deeds, once we use it upon sin we will regret it and distancing ourselves from Allaah is the greatest calamity to befall for a Muslim, because we need Allaah in all our affairs.

How can we be more grateful to Allaah?
We have to do more righteous deeds that shows gratitude to Allaah, we must focus on the Hereafter then Insha'Allaah we will eventually become successful. 

It is very important to remember that after the month of Ramadhan we all should feel an increase in our Emaan and we should be better than we were. Many Muslims stop sinning in the month of Ramadhan and just after it's finished start sinning again. We shouldn't  be like that!

Allaah has blessed us this month every year and we should do our very best without wasting any time.  This Ramadhan could be our last!

Set up a schedule to dedicate yourself to Allaah, try finishing the Quraan and the translation of the meanings of the Qura'an for this whole month and Insha'Allaah you will find it very beneficial.

Listen to lectures and increase in Emaan, do as much as good deeds you can to please Allaah and encourage your families to benefit from this great opportunity.

Seek forgiveness from Allaah as He is the Most Forgiving and keep your mouth moist in the remembrance of Allaah.

Try limiting your time from reading fiction books and read Islamic books by the scholars.

Here are some books and lessons you can benefit online : 

We hope you benefited from this post and we will see you another time Insha'Allaah!


  1. JazakumAllahu Khairan for the links. We are currently enjoying some Ramadan lessons on Surah Al Mulk by Ustadh Moossa Richardson.
    Hope you're all having a lovely Ramadan!

    - The Crafty Muslimahs

  2. Salams!
    We are glad that you'll benefited from them!!

    Hope you're all having a lovely Ramadhan too!


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