Eid gifts (2)

                                           Assalamualykum everyone!

It's Khadijah here!

Today I am going to show you the gifts I got from my sister for Eid! I really enjoyed receiving  these gifts, they were so cute and amazing!

If you are interested to see the gifts that I gifted my sister then don't forget to check out this post, and now, without further ado, let's jump right into the gifts!

Here is an overlook at the gifts:

So,for the first gift is this lovely picture that is for our room door,it looks so cute!

 The second one is a picture again,I love how Molang and his friends peep through the sky!

These are some cardboard decorations. 

This is one of my best gifts, I've been looking forward for these for a very long time!

Look at this! Isn't it so sweet!

And again, here is another favorite, such an adorable picture! It almost looks like a large canvas,
although it was a shoe box lid!

I love this, it is so adorable and I can't believe my sister made it!
also, it's so fun to play with!!

Some cute wall decor.

Molang and Piu piu themed paper bowls.

 Pastel Pusheen paper tsum tsums

Some cardboard Molang and Piu piu decorations for our wardrobe 

A Molang room decor, it's sooooo cuteee!

 A couple of kawaii school supplies

A sharpener....

A cute notebook....

A mini shaker card!

And last but not least, here is the final gift, a lovely card!

So those are the gifts that I got from my sister for Eid,
I hope you enjoyed today's post ad we will
see you next time with part (3)!



  1. MaashaaAllah she made so many stuff! Wow I really like the eggs.

    1. Asalamualykum!

      yes,I totally agree, I couldn't believe the amount myself!
      And again,yes, the eggs are so sweet!

      Jazakhallahukhairan for the comment :)

  2. Assalaamu alaykum! Again, what wonderful, original presents you received from your sister! It's so lovely to see the close bond you both share mashaAllah. I really love what she wrote inside the card, I also admire her handwriting. Those eggs are simply adorable; what caught my eye the most though was that magic cube!! It must have taken some time to draw and assemble. She's worked so hard on all the gifts. The stationary gifts are super cute, what a great way to design a sharpener, and the notebook is great too! What I also like are the bright colours used aswell, especially the pop of yellow here and there. I can't wait to see part 3! Love Umm Hanifah xx

    1. Walaikumsalam aunty!

      Jazakhallukhair for your kind comment!

      Part 3 will be based on the gifts we made for our parents for Eid!

  3. Wonderful masha'Allah! Love the card at the end. Can't wait to see what you made for your parents!

    - Maryam

  4. Masha'Allah, you girls are so creative! I love the amount of detail Hannah put into everything she made. Also, I agree with my mum about the handwriting - it's so beautiful, masha'Allah!



  5. Aww MashaAllah! The drawings are so adorable! I think handmade gifts are always the best!


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