Handmade crafts!

 Asalamualaykum everyone!

It's Hanah here!

We've been doing a lot of DIYs lately and we've got quite a lot to show you all, so today we decided to combine a few of the pre-made crafts in this post.

Some of these have been done recently, while others a couple of weeks ago, and a few have been done months ago!

Before I begin I wanted to apologize for the bad, low quality photos.

Let's get started..

1. Here is a image that we drew, I really love the background,it was done using crayons!

2. This is a cardboard lunch box that we made, we sort of
dislike it, and again like it a bit, mixed feelings!

The sandwich inside took quite a lot of time to make, we filmed on
how to make it just because it looks so cute, but unfortunately the footage got lost. 

This is the salad, it is a mixture of foam, felt and cloth.

Finally, this is the last item in the lunch box, we thought it would 
be nice to add a drink, but the drink tuned out pretty wonky,
(we especially dislike the cardboard straw!)

3. This was my idea originally, Khadijah really liked it, so we both made it
together! We made it out of a plastic lid.

We cut them out and colored them with a black maker, we recommend doing it as the coloring process was a bit hard.

4. I really love this one! We made it out of a CD case and mini wooden sticks.

5. Khadijah gifted me these cute boxes made out of cardboard,I really
like them!

6. Again Khadijah made this DIY stand out of a box...

7. I designed this box for our father, he really loved it :)
again, it was made out of a macaroni box!

8. Khadijah made this picture out of old markers that weren't working at all.

9.We made this miniature house out of a yogurt container, we really love it!

10. Khadijah designed these jars, I really love them!

11. These Molang themed canvases were drawn by both of us!

Alright so we hope you enjoyed today's post and we will see you next time,InshaAllah



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