
Showing posts from June, 2024

A futile apology

A futile apology A short narrative.   Slowly, carefully…I entered the room. My heart pounded; emotions escalated; limbs trembled; what was I going to expect? The room was decorated with gaudy and bold shades of red wallpaper that maliciously smirked at me in revenge whenever I raised my head or got lost in a cloud of delusional thoughts. I hesitated to glance at the grandfather clock, which ticked in ponderous reminder. It emitted a slow and paced, monotonous sound that echoed and rebounded back onto the hollow walls - hollow and empty, lost out of life. The atmosphere — musty and cold- wrapped me in a suffocating, heavy, inescapable trap; it enveloped me, it made me feel heavy — my chest felt uneasy. The hefty and bulky teak furniture dominantly sat in place; heavy cotton curtains cascaded down onto the floor like a waterfall, blocking every inch of sunlight that hoped to enter the room through the window. In the corner of the room, there was a photograph stuck onto the wall. A small

Handmade Eid Al Adha themed plush

   ‏اَلسَلامُ عَÙ„َÙŠْÙƒُÙ… ÙˆَرَØ­ْÙ…َØ©ُ اَللهِ ÙˆَبَرَكاتُÙ‡ُ ‎ ! عيد اضحى سعيد It's Hanah and Khadijah here!  We wish you a happy and blessed Eid Al Adha! For this year's Eid Al Adha, we both made this adorable tiny sheep plush out of a handle from a purse. The handle was made using a beautiful white fluffy material; we cut it, rolled it into a ball and carefully added the details, which were made from scrap material. Dumpling the Sheep wishes you a happy Eid Al Adha! "Baa, baa! Happy Eid!" Look at her asleep in my hands! Dumpling looks super adorable in our hall and ignites Eid vibes, Alhamdulillah. She entertains little children who visit as well!   We hope you have a wonderful Eid, wherever you are and on whatever day, and that your Eid is filled with joy, mercy and gratitude to All Mighty Allah. Assalamualikum.    - Hanah & Khadijah

The Day Of 'Arafah

‏   اَلسَلامُ عَÙ„َÙŠْÙƒُÙ…    ÙˆَرَØ­ْÙ…َØ©ُ اَللهِ ÙˆَبَرَكاتُÙ‡ُ Alhammdulilah, we are extremely blessed to reach this tremendous day of 'Arafah, I would like to share this  Beautiful lecture  as a small reminder for us to maximize this day and do our very best. InshaAllah, we hope to gain as much rewards as we can.   I hope Allah  سُبْØ­َانَÙ‡ُ ÙˆَتَعَالَÙ‰  rewards me for spreading this knowledge and that you benefit from the link, InshaAllah.   اَلسَلامُ عَÙ„َÙŠْÙƒُÙ…

The Vain Theft

nathan-wright-igpwuxZofgo-unsplash.jpg The room was pitch—black. Towering shadows danced frantically on the cracked bathroom door. The low ceiling was covered with their skeletal fingers that awaited to grasp Kayla and tear her apart. They threatened her. They frightened her and tormented her pitiful soul. Turning five was not something to be proud of, after all. It meant you were too big to sleep beside Mommy and that you were responsible for deterring spirits who lurk and linger around you at midnight. Since last week’s memorable birthday party, Kayla never felt safe when the clock struck nine at night. “On the bed, Kay!” the frightful command goes, followed by echoes of ghastly phantoms who seek to torture the shivering timid child. Kayla hid under her quilt and pretended to feel Mommy’s comforting warmth. She imagined Mommy’s tender touch and longed for an escape from the ruthless situation. Despite her attempt to battle her fears, they pierced their blade-like fingers through her

Lilly and Leo's Wedding

‏اَلسَلامُ عَÙ„َÙŠْÙƒُÙ… ÙˆَرَØ­ْÙ…َØ©ُ اَللهِ ÙˆَبَرَكاتُÙ‡ُ ‎ It's Khadijah here, again! Today I'm elated  to share with you an adorable plush couple that I crafted. The plushies and the stage were completely made out of recycled materials, Alhammdulilah the project turned out better than I expected! Let's get a closer look at the couple: The stage was made from a box and the lid that came along with it. The lid actually acts as the little step to the stage. The shiny foam sheet is my favourite part of the stage. Lilly the bride Look at her headband! That bouquet and smiley face is so cute! The stones on her dress are from an old hair clip set. The dress is made from a curtain. Leo the groom How sweet is Leo to bring a heart for his wife? I love his tiny bow! That's all for this weekend, I hope you enjoyed viewing the couple and got some inspiration to make a soft toy yourself. See you next week InshaAllah, Until then, stay creative and get inspired. ‏اَلسَلامُ عَÙ„َÙŠْÙƒُÙ…