

It's a Hanaah here,

We've haven't posted any topics about our chickens for a very long time so 
we decided to write about them!

Let's begin...

Chickens love to keep their selves clean, and they do that by having mud baths.
it's a kind of bath that they wash themselves with dirt (whatever kind of dirt).
That's why it's not that recommended to wash your chicken regularly with
water as they keep themselves clean.....

If you are not familiar with how they do it, here are some videos from YouTube
and a video of our chickens:

Mud bath (1)
Mud bath (2)
Mud bath (3)

Okay.....Let me get to my point........

Our Custurd is well... I would say a bit 
Mashallah she LOVES to keep herself clean as well as Snowy.

But Snowy cleans herself like all hens - with dust, whereas Custurd doesn't do that often! 
can you guess what does she do?

She cleans herself with water by dipping her beak in water
and cleans all the way around her body!

it's very unique for a chicken because they NEVER do that.
some chickens even get irritated when they are water baths!

I wish I could do a video on how she does it. but
Custurd feels it's invading her privacy.......



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