Introducing the new Cockerel : Chick - Chick!

Assalamualykum everyone!

Today we're going to introduce our new rooster: Chick - Chick.
We got him the day before yesterday and decided to name him Chick - Chick....
And that was because Snowy and Custurd had a little brother who's name was Chick - Chick, he died with a Sickness called Coccidiosis.
It made us feel very sad, we loved him the most especially because of his bravery and patience.
So we decided to name this new rooster Chick - Chick. And as a coincidence, he looks exactly like a bigger version of the before Chick - Chick!!

He's such a wonderful husband to Snowy and Custurd! 
They are very pleased to have a rooster...
And the best part is he always crows early morning - just like all roosters!

Well, that's all for now.
We will be posting more about Chick - Chick in the future.



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