6 - Ingredient pasta meal anyone can make!

Assalamualykum everyone!

Today we're going to show you how to make "simple pasta".
This recipe is absolutely simple, you don't need any vegetables or
We think it's good for a beginner who's learning to cook!

                                                         You will need:

1. Minced meat - 400g pack

2. Pasta - 400g +3 tsp of salt for boiling

3. Salt - half a tsp - for minced meat 

4. Onions - three large

5. Chilli powder - according to your choice

6. Oil - 3 tbsp


1. Boil your pasta and strain it using a colander,

     2. Using 3 tbsp of oil, Place your onions in a frying pan,

    3. Then add all your remaining ingredients,

   4. Stir them well,

  5. Add the pasta into it and stir,

                                            Serve with your favorite sauce of your choice.




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