Simple and easy bracelets!

Assalamualaykum everyone,

It's Hanaah here... 

In today's post, I'm showing you how I reused a bunch of old pens and made lovely bracelets.
they are super duper easy and fun to try out!  

You'll need:

A bunch of old pens

A scissor 

A wire (I used a sort of tube which comes which is found in cars)

Decorative items (beads, pendants etc) - optional
A Hot Glue gun

                                                               How to make:

 First, remove those little rubber pieces of the pens
Next, cut them into small pieces

Then, insert them into the wire 

Lastly, using your hot glue gun, glue the ends together

                                     And that's how I made these simple bracelets, I hope you enjoy!



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