Fact : #3



  • Ants are related to wasps and bees, but most Ants don't fly.
  • They are born with wings but lose them right after birth.
  • Their bodies are divided into three main parts :
  • The head has two compound eyes, a set of jaws called mandibles, and jointed antenna.
  • The antenna detects chemicals called pheromones given off by other ants.
  • With pheromones, an ant can leave a trail to food or identify ants from its colony.
  • All six of the ant's legs are attached to its thorax.
  • The abdomen holds the internal organs, and sometimes a stinger.
  • Ants don't have hearts or lungs like ours.
  • An ant breathes through tiny valves in its exoskeleton.
  • Blood is pumped towards its head by a long, thin tube.
  • Most ants are one of three kinds - workers, drones, and queens.
  • Male ants are called drones, who have just one job: mating with the queen!
  • Most female ants are workers, who can live up to three years.
  • These workers go through three stages as they grow up :
  • At first, they take care of other ants in the colony, like larvae.
  • When they're a little older, workers begin to dig and tend to the physical nest.
  • Finally, they head out to forage and defend the colony.
  • Some females grow to be queens, who have just one job: Laying eggs!
  • Some queens can live up to 30 years!
  • Some species have really sophisticated behavior.
  • Leafcutter ants grow a special fungus to eat and they can even figure out which leaves make the fungus grow best!
  • Amazon ants can't feed themselves instead, they enslave ants of other species!
  • And some ants actually herd caterpillars, taking them out to feed and then bringing them back to the nest and collecting a sweet liquid the caterpillars produce.
       Notes taken from :  BrainPOP.com


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