Fact : #11
- Dolphins are a group of sea mammals closely related to whales.
- Both animals belong to the order cetacea.
- To keep their bodies warm, dolphins have evolved a thick layer of blubber.
- Every few minutes, dolphins have to surface to breath, a blowhole on top of their heads exhales used up air and inhales fresh air.
- There are over 40 different species of dolphins.
- Dolphins are fast swimmers, some of them can top 50 kilometers per hour!
- They move by beating their powerful tails, or flukes, up and down.
- The dorsal fin and flippers help them steer.
- Their dominant sense is echolocation.
- An organ, called a melon, in their foreheads emits a series of clicks.
- The dolphin senses the return wave though it's jaw
- Dolphins are also social animals, they do have a sense of humor.
Notes taken from: BrainPOP.com
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