
Showing posts from December, 2019

Scrapbook & Explosion box!

Assalamualykum everyone! It's Hanaah here, In today's post, I'm going to share with you two crafts we made. Khadijah made an explosion box while I made a scrapbook. Here are a few pages of my scrapbook : Let's have a look at Khadijah's explosion box : Some of the items inside it: Alhamdulillah both of us are happy how they turned out. And  until next time, Wassalam

Projects for school

Assalamualykum! It's Khadijah here and I'm going to show you two projects I did in my English lesson. One is a brochure and the other is an article persuading readers to visit a place. It had to be interesting and have fun things to do, I decided to take Masirah Island - a lovely island in Oman. While the brochure had to be about an ancient city or place I chose Nizwa - an ancient city in Oman. So let's have a look at them                                                                                                 This is the brochure, I drew most of the pictures,                                              it took a l...

2 DIY projects

Assalamualykum everyone! It's Khadijah, this week I did two easy DIY projects. Here is the first one: This was an old clipboard which I reused, I made it look like this. First I layered it with foam and then added some decorations. This was how it looked, and I turned it into this⤵ Alhamdulillah, I am quite glad at the results, Here's the next one: It's a simple one, which I did for our cute chickens after they left, I hope they all will be happy to know we are thinking about them  every time!                                                                 Hope you all enjoyed this post and                                                      ...

Free in a Farm!

Assalamualykum, We have some sad news....... We decided to free our chickens in an open wide farm with many chickens like them due to space constraints. Although the run was enough space for three chickens; living in an unrestricted free farm would always be better for any animal! though we are extremely sad and miss them terribly, it's all for the better :( We cannot stop but think of them every day! It's hard living without them...... But no worries... Every week we hope to visit them and stay with them for some time Inshallah! The owner of the farm was Chick - Chick's original master, Chick - Chick must be very happy to introduce his two lovely wives to all the other chickens he knows! On the first day we sent the chickens we decided to visit them with some treats they love! We were not able to take many pictures of them on the farm but here are a few : At first, we only spotted Snowy and Custurd in the flock. Chick - chick was missing, and we were told ...

DIY flower frame

                                                                                                                 Asslamualykum! It's Khadijah here! Today's post is about how I turned an old dusty frame  into a nice looking frame, it took some time but I am happy with the results, Alhamdulillah. It looked like this at the beginning after wiping the dust, the duct tape was already pasted!  And it became this, Alhamdulillah, it looks much better than it was! well, that's all for now, and Wassalam