Projects for school


It's Khadijah here and I'm going to show you two projects I did in my English lesson.
One is a brochure and the other is an article persuading readers to visit a place.
It had to be interesting and have fun things to do, I decided to take Masirah Island - a lovely island in Oman.
While the brochure had to be about an ancient city or place I chose Nizwa - an ancient city in Oman.

So let's have a look at them

                                          This is the brochure, I drew most of the pictures,
                                             it took a lot of time, approximately two days! 

The inside of it.
The back of it.

                                                                  And this is the article.

                                                  Hope you enjoyed viewing my projects.

                                                                    love and Salams.


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