Fact : #9


  • Cats are cool creatures!
  • Cats belong to the family Felidae, which is why they're called felines.
  • There are 37 feline species in the world, including lions, tigers, panthers, and leopards.
  • All cats have amazing senses.
  • They can hear and smell much than humans can, and they can see in way darker conditions.
  • The nerve endings in a cat's whiskers are so sensitive.
  • The whiskers are as long as their bodies are wide.
  • Cats are divided into longhaired and shorthaired varieties, and there are lots of different breeds.
  • Cats usually live an average of 12 to 15 years.
  • Cats conserve energy by sleeping for an average of 13 to14 hours a day.
  • Cats have flexible bodies and teeth adapted for hunting small animals such as mice and rats.
  • The heaviest domestic cat on record is 21.297 kilograms (46 lb 15.2 oz).
  • Cats can be lethal hunters and very sneaky, when they walk their back paws step almost exactly in the same place as the front paws did beforehand, this keeps noise to a minimum and limits visible tracks.

         Notes taken from :  BrainPOP.com


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