Welcome to chicken land!


It's Khadijah here and in this post, I'll be showing you an advert I made by myself.
It was from my English book, and they had told to make the advert persuasive and catchy to the reader. 

Here's how it looks.

                                                      This is the front, I colored it with markers.

                                This is the opening of the card, here I drew a part of Chicken land.

                                     The back of the advert says what they offer at Chicken land.

I really enjoyed making this,
       and one more thing, this is another project I made for school.
            The poem format is following a poem from 
                                                                       Cristina Rossetti.                                                                                  

Sparkling star!

Is the star full of delight?
looks so bright, thinking she is right,
with utmost might:
she shines though out the sky
turning with a twist, as if she kissed!
she seems to spin Before she lets out a grin
the shiny star shows delight at midnight;
Before day she vanishes away.

By Khadijah...


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