Scrapbook update

Assalamualykum everyone,

It's Khadijah here and I'd like to share with you my updates on my scrapbook,
I am only going to show you a few of my updates since there are too many!
If you hadn't viewed our last post on crafts, please click here.
So let's get started!

Firstly, I'd have to admit that my scrapbook is REALLY fat!
(I think I've got to stop scrapbooking from now!)

Here's the front page.

                                              In the envelope, I put this little cute tag in.

                                                        I drew this picture and labeled it,
                                                         but it's not my original idea.


                                              Hope you enjoyed viewing my scrapbook  
                                             and will start scrapbooking too, Someday!


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