Sweet coconut filled pancakes


Today we will be sharing another delicious recipe that we tried out.

so...Let's begin!

You will need:

(for pancakes):
1. four eggs

2. 500 ml of milk

3. four cups of flour

4. two teaspoons of salt

(for the filling):

1. 200 grams of brown sugar

2. 250 ml of water

3. five cardamon pods 

4. a pinch of salt

5. 200 grams of coconut 

Method :

Crack your four eggs into a bowl.

Beat them well.
Meanwhile, add your flour into another bowl.

Add 2 teaspoons of salt and mix well.

Next, add your four eggs and the milk.

Mix the batter well until it's watery like the picture above.

Pour your pancake batter into a pan with a little oil.
(the spoon depends according to your pancake size)

Let it cook until the pancake looks dry.

Flip it to the other side and let it cook until it's light brown.
Let it cool down on a platter.

For the filling.......

Add all the ingredients into a cooking bowl and heat them.

Bring it to a bowl.
Add the coconut into the mixture.

Mix them well until it's golden brown.

Now, take your pancakes and add one tablespoon of the coconut filling.

Roll the pancake and continue this for other pancakes.

We hope you enjoy this recipe and make it very soon.


  1. Inshaa Allaah I will have to try this for Ramadhaan! This version looks super yummy and I miss eating them so much!


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