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Assalamualykum everyone!

We've been busy working on numerous amounts of crafts, DIYs,recipes and school projects, so in this post we will be sharing with you all our coming up posts, so stay tuned for that, Inshaallah!    

Without further delay,let's jump right into the post!

                                     1. Crafts to do when you're bored

Since many of us are in our homes,we decided to do a post featuring some ideas 
that could suck out your boredom! 

                                       2. DIY Pusheen room decor ideas

We've gathered some Pusheen room decor
 ideas to brighten up your room.

                                           3. Easy DIY scrapbook cards

Alhammdulilah, we've made some cute scrapbook cards
and we wish to share them to you all.

                                                    4. Projects for school

We have a couple of coming - up projects for school.

                                                    5. Date shake recipe

       We will be sharing this recipe with you all.          
                                                             6. DIY new plushies

Alhammdulilah we've made few new plushies and 
we are exited to share them in another post.

                                                            7. French toast 

Inshallaah in a future post we will be teaching how to make 
easy french toast.

                                                   8. Our scrapbook collection

Our scrapbooks happen to increase in amount
 throughout the years so we are going to show you our collection of scrapbooks!

                                              9.  Pusheen crafts that we've made

We will be showing you some easy Pusheen crafts that we've made with 
basic craft supplies

                                                           10. Sweet vermicelli recipe

Inshallaah we will be showing you this delicious recipe.

                                                11. DIY giant cookie plush

Learn how to make this adorable cookie plushy

                               13. DIY watercolor patterned paper book

Khadijah will be teaching you how to make a beautiful book 
out of handmade watercolor papers!

14. How to make banana fritters

Learn how to make these banana fritters!

15. Easy, crunchy oatmeal cookies 

These crunchy cookies taste perfect with a glass of milk!

So, that's all what we have for this post, 
we hope you are looking forward for them and please tell us which one you
would prefer next week!



  1. Assalamu Alaikum!
    Masha'Allah they all look great. I'm looking forward to the Date Shake Recipe and the DIY Watercolour Patterned Paper Book!

    - Maryam

  2. Walaikum As salam!

    We've posted the date shake recipe in our blog,have a look at it ;)



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