5 pen holder/organizer ideas

Assalamualykum everyone,

It's Khadijah here!

For today's post I'm going to share with you all, five pen holder/organizer ideas.

All our pen holders/organizers are reused from things we had laying around our house,we decided to turn them into some pen holders and an organizer.
So, hopefully this will give you some ideas that you could try in the future,Inshallah!

Let's get started!

                          The first pen holder is Gudetma themed,we made it out of an
                                  oat tin and we removed the label, this is how it looked.

We measured a piece of paper and drew an image of Gudetama 
and stuck it on the oat tin.

And we where done with our pen holder,
super easy and fun!

Next up, I have this Pusheen themed pen holder,it was made out of a 
macaroni box.

This is what it looked like when it was
not a pen holder yet.

We cut it to make sure it's short enough to store our
items, we then stuck an image of Pusheen that we drew,
and added mini polka dots at the back of it using a pink marker. 


                                                                       And we were done


                     The third pen holder is a gift from me to my sister, it is Pusheen themed again, 
              it was also made with a macaroni box, repeating the same process of the pen holder above.


This is the final result of it, pretty simple, but nice!


For the fourth pen holder, we made these mini ones out of a can.

I think they turned out cute and were so easy to make.


Lastly, here's this simple organizer that we both made.
It's easy, but I think it looks cute!

We decided to store our Pusheen badges and stickers that we have made.

Well... I hope you enjoyed today's post and I'll see you next Monday.



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