DIY new plushies

                                                       Assalamualykum everyone!


Today we will be sharing you some new plushies that we have made,
perhaps we've gone crazy making plushies,and find making them
very interesting and fun!
Inshallah we hope you also will make them one day since they are very easy to make, and they don't require much supplies too! 

So.....with that being said, let's just jump right into this post!

                                 1. Mochi plush

2. Egg and bread plushies

3.  Biscuit / cookie plushie

4. Squishy plushie cakes

5. Penguin plush

7. Pusheen plushie

7. Awkward beige egg plush!

8. Ice cream plushie

9. Turtle plush - for Abi (dad)

That's all for today, we hope you enjoyed viewing our plushies,
We will see you next time on Wednesday, InshaAllaah!



  1. Assalaamu alaykum girls! MashaAllah these are so wonderful! I'm very impressed by your creativity and sewing skills! All of the plushies are so lovely that it's hard for me to pick a favourite! I guess the one that has impressed me the most is Donatello the TMNT, there are lots of interesting layers to him, also how adorable is Mochi? LOVE the egg and bread too and Pusheen looks so soft and cuddly! Did you make the penguin using a mixture of knitting and felt? That too is so cute. Keep up the good work girls, you can only get better and faster the more you practise inshaAllah! - Umm Hanifah x

  2. Walaikum As salam!

    Jazakhallahukhair aunty,Umm Hanifah! We are very pleased that you liked all our plushies :)
    Thanks so much!

    The penguin was made by Khadijah and it's a mixture of knitting and cloth, we made it using a sock and the knitting is from our fathers cap! also the flower was crocheted by our mum.

    Our father wanted us to make a turtle for him, we decided to make him a Donatello plushy,although we aren't a fan of the TMNT!
    We chose Donatello because our father's name starts with D!

    �� �� ��
    H & K


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