DIY Pusheen room decor ideas

                                           Assalamualykum everyone!


We are exited to share with you some original Pusheen room decor ideas that we've made with some stuff in our house,we turned these stuff into cute Pusheen themed room decors for our room!

If you are going to try these DIYs you could always change your theme instead of Pusheen.
Let's get started....

So for the first room decor is this adorable Pusheen picture stand made out of a book cover!


                                                  These are the two book covers.

                                         We pasted them together using strong glue.


                                Then, we drew two images of Pusheen on two papers.


                                             And pasted them on both sides.........


                                            And there's our Pusheen picture stand!


                                         Alhamdulilah, it turned out super adorable!


                                      For the second craft,we have this styrofoam 
                                  Pusheen holding a little biscuit, how cute is that?



 Here's our piece of syrofoam.   


 We sketched out Pusheen.        


And cut her out using a knife.           


We cut a piece of cardboard and pasted it behind the syrofoam Pusheen.


We also cut a piece of paper and sketched out Pusheen's details and colored
it, as well as pasted it in front of the styrofoam Pusheen.

We also added a styrofoam biscuit.
And then we were done!

The third Pusheen room decor idea is this old heart box
with a Pusheen picture on it.

This is the inside of it.

We cut a paper heart.

We then cleaned the inside 
 and pasted it to the front of the heart.

And decorated the paper with a picture of Pusheen that we drew.

This is the final results, Mashallah it looks lovely!

For the fourth craft is this pusheen frame that we made,
it is super simple but cute.

This is the frame at first.

We pasted a paper and drew Pusheen on it.

We also covered it with some clear tape, and it was done!

And for the final craft is this bottle decorated with Pusheen,
We basically spray painted an old water bottle, painted Pusheen's facial
details, and put a stick inside the bottle with Pusheen popping out!

We hope you enjoyed these crafts as much as we enjoyed sharing them 
with you.

We will see you next Monday InshaAllaah.



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