2 DIY easy Eid crafts
Assalamualykum everyone!
It's Hanah here and I'll be showing you 2 super simple crafts to decorate your house on Eid.
You will need basic craft supplies for this, and it could be done by anyone who is a beginner at crafting!
Let's get started!
Firstly I'll be showing you how to make this bunting my sister made;
You will need :
1. Clear tape
2. School glue
3. A scissor
4. Thread / yarn
5. Colored paper (3)
6. Paper puncher
7. A sharpie
1. Firstly, fold the colored papers in half.
2 . Then, cut a triangular shape like this.
3. Turn your triangle upside - down and write the letters E - I - D on each one.
4. Using a paper puncher, punch out holes from the scraps of the papers.
5. Paste the circles you punched onto the upside - down triangles.
6. Once your done, paste the inside of the upside - down triangles with glue alone with a string of yarn / thread.
And you are done!
Hang your bunting using clear tape wherever you like to decorate your house on Eid!
Alright, for the second craft you'll be needing :
1. Colored paper
2. School glue
3. Clear tape
4. A scissor
5. A sharpie / thick pen
1. Using colored papers, cut out the letters E - I - D
2. Underline the borders of every letter using a sharpie / thick pen.
3. Paste it on the wall using clear tape.
And you are done!
So, I hope you enjoyed these easy crafts and we will see you next Monday, InshaAllaah!
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