Oman : some lovely pictures

Assalamualykum everyone!

We haven't posted for a while since Blogger was giving a lot of trouble to us!

In today's post we'll be sharing with you some pictures of where we live, we thought it would be interesting to show you some beautiful nature pictures we've taken throughout our travels!

So let's jump right into the post!

So we hope you enjoyed these pictures and we will see you on Monday, InshaAllaah!



  1. Assalamu Alaikum,

    Masha'Allah these pictures are gorgeous and so calming. I think my favourite ones are 5 and 6 (from the bottom up), I love how you captured the waves breaking masha'Allah.

    ~ Maryam

  2. Walaykum as salam!

    Thanks for the lovely words!

    Jazakhallukhairan, we are so pleased that you enjoyed the pictures!
    Love and salams,
    - H & K

  3. MaashaaAllah looks so peaceful and quiet and makes me want to visit Oman!


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