Eid gifts (1)

                                             Assalamualykum everyone!

It's Hanah here!

I'm excited to share with you the gifts I received from my sister on Eid, they were all handmade with love and we thoroughly enjoyed making them for each other!   

This gesture was inspired due to Crafty Muslimahs, we really admire how they make handmade gifts for each other for Eid.   Making these crafts took a month or so - we didn't expect to make so much for each other, however we found it pretty addictive to make the gifts, and the best part was we did not show each other our gifts, it was definitely hard to keep it secretive until Eid, but we did it!

One gift a day, made with the labour of love added to 13 in all!

As the saying goes : " A little progress everyday adds up to BIG RESULTS! "

Today is part 1 and I'll be sharing you the gifts I received from my sister!

So here's an overlook at all the gifts my sister gave me on Eid!     

( I can't believe the amount! )                                                         

                  Firstly, Khadijah made this adorable Molang organizer for me, it's perfect to store our craft supplies and I really love her original idea!

Here's the front of it :

A cute notebook.....

 a pencil......
and a ruler...
The third  craft my sister gave me were these gorgeous boxes, they are useful to store items.
These boxes are HerCheese and Kay themed, HerCheese ( the yellow box ) and Kay ( the blue box ) are characters my sister invented and we will tell you about them in another separate post InshaAllah! 

                                                                    HerCheese :
                                                                 And Kay:

Here's another 3D  card she made, I love it!
These are Molang and Piu Piu themed boxes, they are ideal to store small bits and bobs.

This heart is a really creative idea and  I really like it.

She made this cute board full of pictures of characters,it has sticky notes so that we could write notes on it.


  1. Wow maashaaAllah what sweet gifts your sister made. And so many too Allahhuma Barik!

  2. Assalaamu alaykum! Oh masahAllah, how wonderful are your Eid gifts? Your sister has done such an amazing job creating all these for you. Everything she has put her time to has been carefully thought out and made with love, you can tell! Love the illustration of the sisters together, and the way she used the watercolour on those letters look very professional mashaAllah. I can also tell she enjoyed making them. Also, there is a satisfied feeling you get when a present is completed and you store it away for Eid Day, it's a lovely special feeling, do you agree? JazakAllahu khairan for sharing this with us. I can't wait for the other parts!! With love, Umm Hanifah x

    1. Walaikum As salam Aunt Umm Hanifah!

      Jazakhalluhairan, we are so glad you enjoyed viewing the gifts!
      Yes we totally agree, it's such an amazing feeling and we thoroughly enjoyed gifting each other!

      Thankyou so much for your lovely comment.....
      H & K

  3. One Task at a TimeAugust 8, 2020 at 3:06 PM

    Assalamualeykum, MashaAllah, again you girls made that wonder moments!
    Barakallahufeek, my mind is moving in different directions, because so many things are coming to my mind, one being its such a wonderful moments when gifts are shared, well you reminded me DONUT GIVE UP:) well, well you can see I am running with so many thoughts, Well Done! Alhamdulillah.

  4. Assalamu Alaikum, Masha'Allah your eid gifts are really amazing and adorable. I particularly enjoyed the Pusheen gifts. As well as the two cats and the Dount Give Up. I found that funny 😄.

    ~ Sumayyah

  5. Assalamu Alaikum.

    I'm going through your posts and I just love this series! I like all the gifts but especially the 3D picture - so pretty, masha'Allah. I also like the organisers and the cute little boxes!




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