Eid gifts (3)


Today we are super exited to show you the gifts we made for our parents for Eid, we will also be
showing you one of the shop bought gifts our parents gifted us.

Alhamdulilah we enjoyed making the gifts and our parents were very happy with the gifts!
Alhamdulilah,we've made couple of gifts although they took quite long to make. MashaAllaah, we think they turned out pretty!

So without further ado, let's get started!

We made this organizer for our mum to store her perfumes and makeup, it was totally made out of cardboard scraps and she was so happy with it!

This is how it looks without any stuff inside :

Khadijah also made these pretty flowers to match the organizer.

And Hanah made these roses!
Our mum was elated with them!

We made a stationary organizer for our dad to store all his books,pens, etc..
we made more gifts for him however,we will be showing you only one.

Hanah also made these frames for our parents.....

And we made a card for them, they both considered it cute!

And last but not least, we gifted our mum with a BATHROOM MAKEOVER!

This is how our bathroom looked before we did a makeover :
(by the way, we are so sorry for the dull, low quality photos.
our bathroom light is very dim! )

Alright, now here's how our bathroom looked after the makeover!
All the DIYs were made totally by us!

Again, so sorry for the dull photos!

Alhamdulilah we are so happy with our bathroom and our mum was amazed with it,
however since it was her gift, she decided to change the bathroom a little and added some paper plants my sister made!

We also made this gorgeous hoop, it's surrounded with colorful paper roses.
Our mum was so happy with it, she loves it so much!

We added a few more flowers to the right side of the hoop.

Our parents also gifted us these adorable pastel pink Qura'ans, we are totally
in love with them!

We love the pastel pages!

Well,that's all for today's post,

We hope you enjoyed it, and don't forget to tell us in
 the comments which gift you enjoyed the best!

We will see you next time, 



  1. Assalamu Alaikum!
    Aaawwww! Masha'Allah everything is wonderful! Our favourite is probably the bathroom makeover! It was such a lovely idea, masha'Allah! Also the flower hoop. It was sweet masha'Allah!


    Maryam and Zainab

  2. Walaikum as salam!

    jazakhallahukhair, we also think the bathroom makeover and the flower hoop is our mum's favorite!

  3. Assalaamu alaykum my lovelies! Oh subhanAllah, where to begin? Everything you have made for your parents are so special and thoughtful. I LOVE (of course) the bathroom makeover, such a nice, unique gift for your Mum. I would have loved something like this for myself (hint, hint daughters!) I think those organisers are very well made and will no doubt be put to good use. I LOVE the way those roses were made and your Mum did the right thing by adding them to the bathroom. MashaAllah the hoop too is very pretty,looks so nice where you've hung it. I think those pink Quraans are adorable too. I have seen them here in Qatar, in different pastel shades. Gifts to treasure! JazakAllahu khairan for sharing your gifts with us and for inspiring us for the next Eid inshaAllah! - Umm Hanifah xx

  4. Walaikum as salam Aunty!

    Jazakhallahukhairan for your kind words!

    We are so glad you’ll are inspired by our gifts and we hope Hanifah,Zainab,Maryam and Sumayyah
    will gift you with an amazing bathroom makeover – better than ours!

    We LOVE pastel colors and we think the pastel Qura’ans in Qatar are so adorable!

    H and K

  5. Assalamu Alaikum!

    Masha'Allah, you did a lovely job with all of your gifts! I especially like the pastel frames and the stationary holder - what a good idea! The Qurans your parents gifted you are so beautiful, Allahuma Barik! I am in love with the colour!

    Lots of love,



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