Adorable crafts!!

 Assalamuaykum everyone!

Today we thought of showing you some crafts that we have been making throughout the weeks, they are  cute MashaAllah, and Alhammdulilah we are really happy with the results of all of them!

Although this post is a little different,we've got a bunch of cute crafts to show you,everything you see is totally handmade, alhammduliah!

We won't be explaining much in detail as usual,instead, we hope to show you pictures of all the crafts we've made in our room!

Let's get started with the crafts!

HerCheese and Kay are some cute characters that we invented and we will be doing a post on them very soon InshAllah ...                          


A few recycled crafts.

A pretty box that is used to store jewelry 

Again, some more HerCheese and Kay stuff.

One of our best area in our room, pastel and simple!

Our handmade paper tsum tsum collection..

A ugly pot turned into this pretty one!

This is our craft section, we store most our craft supplies that we use everyday,
all the organizers are made by us!

Kawaii pencil holder made out of mini glue bottles!

Well... that's all what we have for today,
we really hope that you have enjoyed all the handmade crafts and we will
see you very soon inahallah!


  1. Assalaamu alaykum, mashaAllah wow, everything is so cute and adorable! I love what you've done. You spend your time so wisely alhamdulillah! Keep up the good, creative work girls!

    1. Walaikum as salam Aunty!

      We are glad you liked the crafts, Jazakhallahukhairan!!


  2. MaashaaAllah I like your room! But if you look in my room you will see it so messy! I will go tidy my room now lol.


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