Nature photos

Assalamualykum everyone!

Today we thought of showing you some photography we've taken!

These photos aren't the best (because we use our tablet), however we decided to show you them since we've captured some beautiful sceneries of nature!

Sit back, keep scrolling and enjoy the pictures!

We hope you enjoyed these simple photos and we will see you next time, InshaAllaah!


  1. Assalamu Alaikum!

    Masha'Allah this was so nice and relaxing to scroll through. Where were these pictures taken? Subhana'Allah everything is so beautiful and green if it is in the Middle East!
    I thought the picture of your shadows were an adorable idea, masha'Allah. Do you remember who was who?


    1. Walaikum as salam!

      Jazakhallahukhairan, these pics were taken at the back of our house, there are so many lovely plants!

      Oh! the shadows are really funny, we look kinda fat and awkward, it makes us laugh so much, LOL!
      We can't exactly remember who was who, but probably the one on the right was Khadijah and the one waving was Hanah!!

      Much love,
      H n K


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