3 pumpkin themed crafts

Asalamualykum everyone! In today's post, we will be showing you 3 pumpkin themed crafts we've made recently, they are simple and cute crafts and we are happy with the results, Alhammdulilah. The first one is this picture we drew, you can easily make it by cutting out a piece of cardboard and pasting a piece of paper on it. Once your done doing that, you can draw your image, and your done! We decided to make the edges a bit fancy by cutting it out into a curvy shape! The second craft are these super easy bookmarks, they took only a few seconds to make, but Alhammdulilah they turned out nice. Finally for the last craft, we have this pretty pumpkin decor, we made it out of an old mini dictionary and we are really happy with it. We hope you enjoyed this short post and we'll see you next week, InshaAllaah! Assalamualyku...