2 school projects

 Assalamualykum everyone!

It's Hanah here,

Today I'm going to share with you two English projects I did for school.

I was told to make 3 mini sagas and one cautionary tale and I'm really happy with them,Alhammdulilah!

Here's the Cautionary tale:

Children shouldn't eat too many sweets 

- A cautionary tale

There was a boy whose name was Andy;

He was addicted to candy.

He would eat ice creams, chocolates and cake,

And anything sweet his mum would make. 

He wouldn't eat,

except something sweet.

But his parents fretted

that Andy would feel enervated.

they tried to stop him

however he would become grim.

So his parents would give in -

even though they knew it was a sin,

Andy felt abhorrence;

to listen to his parents.

But one day as he went to bed

he felt a pain in his head,

In the morning, he ate a cake

and got a headache.

It lasted for so long,

his parents realized something went wrong.

The pain grew,

until he couldn't eat anything except a few.

It grew worse,

So his parents took him to the nurse,

Andy had become blue -

and the nurse had no clue!

The doctors did an inspection

and found a strange infection!

They took some time to analyse,

and to their surprise......

They found something that had never happened before,

A thing they had to deplore.

They found ants in Andy's brain,

no wonder he had so much pain!

The doctors didn't empathize,

rather they did criticize.

How do you think he'd feel?

he didn't feel Zeal.

Finally he came to realize,

that he didn't listen to his parents advice.

He couldn't eat any sweets in his life,

even though he did apologize. 

- By Hanah Dilshad

Mini sagas:

Saga (1)

I watched him as he gathered food.

"He definitely had to be caught."

"I can't just leave him alone."

I followed him carefully into his home,

Making sure not to make any noise.

I caught him,and tore him apart!

"Now, I've got my dinner"

The hungry cat happily said.

Saga (2)

She wouldn't stop eating,

every time you meet her she'll be eating.

She never get's tired of eating soo much!

I wonder if she's conscious of her weight.

Her life is so boring, she eats every time!

"When will she stop eating, mum?"

The child asked pointing at the fat hen.

Saga (3)

Noises of banging, clashing and washing,

A lovely aroma coming from a place I can't detect.

I can hear voices of soft giggles and talking.

Tiptoeing and walking,whispering and warning, doors slamming and shutting.

"Come, come, come mummy!"

My little ones are here with a delicious meal for their mum.


  1. Masha'Allah! These are VERY good! My favourite is saga (3), I felt very touched by it Masha'Allah.

    ~ Maryam


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