Life on the ISS for a week!

!سلام سلام

It's Khadijah here.

"Life on the ISS sounds like a mixture of hard work and fun. Imagine being on the ISS for a week! Write an astronaut's blog or journal."

Today I will be sharing a school project - life on the ISS (International Space Station) for a week, this is supposed to be a journal entry or blog post.

Let's begin without any further delay.


                                  -Life on the ISS for a week-

'Phew! We've had a fun yet busy week! Now let me analysis what the crew and I have done so far, definitely something really impressing to write about!

Maintaining equipment-conducting scientific experiments

Of course as our daily routine, we had to do a space walk outside the station to check and repair any equipment - conduct scientific experiments, this is done every day to make sure the station is secure, as for this week nothing much was into this 

Perhaps this is one of the best thing I do in a day! It feels great to be a little out of the space station!


All of us find exercise extremely important on Earth, but when your in space, it's absolutely vital! 

Don't think that it's about floating up there, daily exercise is a real must, or else your muscles might forget what to do. We usually do our daily exercise for about two hours or so, Today I wanted to do a little more and get a small break once I was done.

Relaxing in space!

Every one of us loves to chill out! Here on space my favorite activity is to simply look out of the space station window and admire our loved Earth! Everyone of us in the crew loves it, perhaps all astronauts, but I think I'm more on that side! Reading is the second thing I really enjoy, I wasn't a reader back then on Earth, in my early teens. This week was really extraordinary, we made a point to finish a science series, gladly I was the first to finish, all the others are now really jealous of my reading skills!

It isn't only on Earth that you are able to read all those tweets from twitter, and enjoy social media, here on space we do the same!

We take the opportunity to communicate with friends and family in Earth when we have any free time, I love hearing stories on what happens on Earth especially from my elder sister, it makes me more miss all our Earthly comforts! Emails are also available here, we also get to see our family from face time or video conference - this is a everyday treat for me, no matter how much time, I always try to make it a point to talk to my family in the evening or night!

Special delivery 

I'm bouncing off the walls! My family will be sending some lovely parcels to me!  The rest of our crew is getting from their families exciting gifts next week!

This means cards and lots of sweets and snacks! I'm really excited!

Cleaning the space station

Finally. This was what I was eagerly waiting to write about! Last week it was Mrs. Dorky - one of our crew members, (we call her that, she finds it a nice nick name!) turn to clean the space station, however this week it was my turn! It felt great cleaning, honestly.

Now, please stop thinking that being in space in nothing but relaxing and floating, even in space we have to maintain our space by doing housekeeping! We also must take care of house hold chores.

So anyways, what I did was : vacuumed and dusted, disinfected and cleaned the kitchen and bathroom.

That's pretty much what I've done for this productive, busy week. I feel so great to reflect on how fun and busy this week has gone by! And lastly, I totally agree that the week did fly very fast, days go by fast.'

وسلام عليكم


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