Illustrating a proverb - There is no place like home.

 A story that explains a proverb is a kind of fable, which means a story with a moral, or lesson to be learned.

                    There is no place like home                   


One is most comfortable in one's own surroundings.

Koco is from Australia, she had to relocate due to the Australian bush fires;
here's her short story on how she found home back again.


Every one didn't like Koco, nobody liked to befriend her, or talk to her, she just wasn't the right animal to be with. Koco was a strange creature, the only one in this whole reserve - nobody had ever seen a creature like her, and so they considered her extremely unusual.

Koco was new to this habitat, she had left her habitat due to fires and so she found this new one not at all engaging and fun, there weren't enough trees, the weather was just too cold and sometimes too humid, and the animals surrounding her were very different. Koco couldn't find her favorite trees - eucalyptus trees, this just wasn't the right place for her.

One Sunday on a wet, damp morning, Koco was really missing her home. She wanted to find her way out of this weird place, so she crawled down to the ground and crept into the long grass, there she was gently picked up.

 'Prrrph, prrphh!' yelled Koco.

 She had never ever been picked up in her life! Koco wriggled and twisted her body, trying to get down, not realizing that she was picked up by rescuers. The rescuers took Koco, she was hesitated and worried a lot, until she was put down after many hours.

Koco was surprised. Where was she?

 'Prrrph,prrrphh, where am I?' thought Koco. 

She slowly walked looking to her left and right, front and even back, where could she be? Suddenly Koco spotted something familiar, in fact one of her favorites, an eucalyptus tree! Koco immediately jumped unto it, and oh there!

 'Prrrphhh, prrrphh! Welcome!' yelled a gang of kolas.

This was really exciting to Koco.Was she back home? How was she brought back to her home. Koco was very grateful to be in a habitat just like her original one,with that being realized, Koco said:

'There is no place like home.'

'There is no place like home'


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