It was long ago...

سلام سلام

It's Hanah here,

I'm supposed to write my own poem with the title 'It was long ago', which describes an early memory very simply, using the same format and devises as in the real poem It was long ago by Eleanor Farjeon.

                                                             It was long ago 

                                                                                  By Hanah Dilshad

               A mother, (now old) is relating her memories of her daughter when she was small)

A memory that flashed into my mind, shall I relate to you?

Something that wouldn't make a difference to you, but does for me.

It was long ago.

The tiny house and river, and the beautiful lavender field. I do remember,

The huge guard dog and a dull lamp post, do you see?

It wouldn't matter to you, but it does for me.

The little baby in my hands, showing her everything around. I do remember.

Oh, so little and sweet she was, and very pretty!

A memory that's important to me.

The quacks of ducklings, that would make you laugh! And I remember...

You were everything to us, my honey.

Yes, a memory a long time ago.

Cute chuckles and laughs, you used to make all day, I remember.

No crazy fights or shedding tears, only a sound of glee.

Such an angel, if you only remember.

Fresh blueberries you loved to eat with delight. I remember.

I think the only fruit of glory for you, my beauty,

Refreshing and relishing, you know.

The bumpy car rides around and below the lane, and I remember,

You used to adore it, which was crazy!

Snickering away, so happy.

The guard dog with white ears which seemed enormous to you, I can remember.

He used to make you cry and flee.

A little baby, so tiny.

So many good old memories about you and me, all I can remember.

That makes me satisfied and so happy.

Important to me, you know.

You won't find it important, maybe not something important to remember,

Cherishing memories, that might be tiny.

But, it means so much to me.

By Hanah Dilshad


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