To My Mum...

السلام عليكم


 42 years!

To my mum

Thank you for being the best mum,
for being the best ever chum.

Thank you for showing so much care,
and doing all what you can bare.

Thank you for teaching us so much,
without any grudge.

Thank you for being so kind,
for teaching us how to have a creative mind.

Thank you for all the love that you show,
for being with us when we've felt low.

Thank you for making the most delicious meals,
with an emotion of extreme zeal!

Thank you for giving us all what we wanted,
and never gone away and departed.

Thank you for getting angry at times,
for preventing us from any crimes.

Thank you for letting us study so much,
for letting us experience such.

Thank you for being with us all the time,
for always making us feel secure and fine.

Thank you for letting us experience the joy of childhood,
and giving us everything what you could.

Thank you for sharing everything you had with us,
with total love and no fuss.

Thank you for accepting us how we are,
for letting us come this far!

Thank you for not rejecting us,
for teaching us how to behave with nous.

Thank you for letting us have so many pets,
for protecting us from any threats.

Thank you for spending so much time on us,
a topic that'll take me months to discuss.

Thank you for not being glum,
thank you for being the best ever mum!

Thank you for sacrificing your life for us,
For saying a thank you to you is definitely a must.

Thank you for just being all that you are,
for just being our's!

I love you so much mum,
for being the best ever chum.

- Originally made by Khadijah Dilshad.💗


  1. My darling khadijah.....

    I love you both so was a labor of pure love!
    I feel so humbled by your words.....
    keep expressing your self in paper more as to save your breath!


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