Gorgeous Greens


Inspire your space with the beauty of nature. Let's bring the outside in!

Transforming your indoor space into an aesthetically beautiful and extraordinary environment with plants from Gorgeous Greens.

From the air-purifying Sansaverias to various types of extraordinary cacti, Gorgeous Greens offers every pretty plant with each of their unique colors and features.

Handcrafted colorful, decorative marbled cement pots ranging in different shapes and sizes are perfect for any plant of your choice.

Gorgeous Greens offers original, eco-friendly, and biodegradable handmade kokedamas (Kokedama by Umerina), that will make your indoor/outdoor space look distinctively remarkable!

Whether it be for your best friend, spouse, or mum - Gorgeous Green's plants/ pots will make a perfect gift for anyone and bring out that pleasurable happiness in everyone!

Planted with much care and love, you feel that sensational feeling through everything from receiving the package to opening it.

Buy NOW. 
Start decorating, NOW

Shop with Gorgeous Greens

For more details call :

(+94 721249452)


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