Childhood memories

 I was told to do a school project,that was two pages long, it had to be a childhood memory of school from the narrator or from a friend or a movie clip moment that was an unforgettable experience, either the first day to a new school or just an experience that had strong emotions involved, such as sadness or anger or any deep emotions. Seriousness was not to be mixed with comical statemens and moments because it ruins the 'flavour' of the story . It had to be extremely exaggerated and explained more in detail, but not complicated to read. It also had to have direct speech in the story.

 I chose a story based on myself when I was very small, around four years old, an experience that I always remember and laugh to my self. It is comical not serious, but the emotions involved in it is kind of 'strong'. Here you can read it now :🤗

- in a moment of  frustration,not given enough attention for a science project, wanting to label or spell out items,as my past favorite activity, little me was furiously sitting on her chair knocking her legs on the table.

I was the most grumpy and annoying child I've ever known In my childhood since now, anything that I didn't like in my school, I was planning to quit school .By this time, my mother was attending to my sister, as she was struggling with some homework, while I was squirming around my chair, until my common thought came back to mind, "I am leaving!" I yelled bringing my eyebrows together, causing a mean frown. "I am quitting!" I screamed putting my books, or slammed my books on the table. I marched  away closing the door with extreme anger, "that's okay," my mum responded to my impulsive statement, it didn't matter as we was homeschooling. A wide smirk pushed across her face, which made the sulky me even more angry. "Okay!" I remarked back in a mockery way and walked away in my famous  angry walk in those days. While walking, and talking to myself for less  than half an hour, I realized that is was too boring, I was planning how to get back .

Should I open the door and just indroduce my recovered happy self again,or propose something interesting to let them forget my disgraceful behavior. The the guilt was preventing me from doing anything, but I managed to figure out a 'brilliant' idea, make dates with almonds(my popular friendly dish constantly made) and offer it. I also dressed up as 'mum' (a character I had invented featuring let loose hair) holding my doll, I pushed my guilt and headed to offer it. Will they accept it?


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